Clothes and Closet Organization
Quick explainer video shows how we organize clothes and closets.
Having a disorderly closet and dressers adds extra stress every day. Who needs that?
Our process ensures that you have a pared-down wardrobe, organized for easy access and maintainability.
Take a look at our service packages below and find the right one for you.
Service Packages - Clothes and Closet
Our 4-step process
Step 1: Information gathering
We will ask you who uses these closets, whether you are open to doing seasonal switchouts, and other questions.
Step 2: Sorting
Depending on the size of the staging area, we will take every item of clothing out of each area, or go category by category, and sort the items.
Step 3: Editing
Along with the client, we will edit, or purge, each category of items down to only the necessary and used things.
Step 4: Re-Homing
We will re-home the items sorted by type, and then color. Depending on the service package, we will use matching hangers, drawer and shelf dividers, cube storage, shoe solutions, or other options. You’ll end up loving your closet!
Recent Clothes Organization Projects
After a recent life change, this client reached out for help to create some sort of order to the once well organized home. Starting in the master bedroom, organizers Debby and Marianne did a complete overhaul of the closet and dressers.
Who doesn’t love a well organized closet where you can just walk in and ‘shop’ for what you want to wear that day/night?! After recently moving long distance into an apartment half the size, this client needed our help finding her clothes and creating some sort of order within the closet.
Over the years, homes have the ability to store items we know we no longer need, but don’t want to get rid of. Typically the areas that are meant for ‘storage’ and are used less, tend to have the most buildup. In this instance, it was the clients basement and garage, along with other spaces throughout the house.
Moving into a new home can be one of the most stressful events in any person’s life. A whole new space to fill and make it your own, but not enough time to actually do it. And that’s where our amazing team comes in.
Many of our clients have us dive into multiple areas of their homes to discover items and spaces they forgot they had. Over time, this particular client held onto items she thought she would use someday and would not have enough to purchase them again. But, after her business became more successful, she was able to hire us, let go of items and get organized at the same time!
This past week, Team Peace Cape Cod was able to help two clients get unstuck. The first was in Wareham. Our client had recently moved the contents of one kitchen into a this home, which was already furnished.
Team Peace organizers did a refresher in Dennis, set up shelves and transformed a basement in Wellfleet, and brought a clothes closet in Brewster to beautiful order.
Kids have a lot of stuff which means things can get cluttered quickly. Between how quickly they grow—resulting in lots more clothes than adults—and toys (especially if children have different interests) it’s hard to stay on top of. In the fall of 2019 we assisted a young family in Osterville manage the excess that comes with kids to keep their home looking great.